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Photos 2013
Click on the thumbnails to view an enlarged photo of the carved pumpkin.
The photos were taken with a Olympus C3000 digital photo camera with an ISO of 100, 200 or 400.
Due to the poor light, the camera was placed on a tripod to get sharper en more clear pictures.
Taken manually (in hand), the pictures would appear to blurry because the lens stays open longer to gather enough light to take the shot.
Because of this, the slightest tremor would give a blurry, wiped out picture.
With most pictures you don't see the pumpkin or contour, this is because the pictures were taken in total darkness.
Also, if the pumpkin skin is thinner, more light will shimmer through.
With a thicker skin the light will practically come only from the cut-out figures.
Enjoy the photos!

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