
Welcome on the "Fun & Tips"-page.
Here you'll find preservation tips for your carved pumpkins, coloring pages, clip-art, music and sounds and old vintage cards!
With the help of the following tips you can extend the lifespan of your carved pumpkin.
If you now more tips, send me an e-mail.
If they are usable, I'll post them on this page.
* You can soak the pumpkin in water for a couple of minutes with a bit of bleach added. This can prevent mold. Let it drain and then dry it carefully.
* Store the pumpkin in a cool, dark place. It's best not to cover it to prevent it from turning soft sooner, but you can.
* You can coat the cut edges (and if desired the inner pumpkin) with petroleum jelly (Vaseline or so) to reduce shriveling.
* In a warm (dry) environment, your pumpkin will soon shrivel. You can revive it by soaking it in water for about 2-4 hours. Let it drain and dry carefully.
* If your pumpkin molds, there is really nothing you can do. You will get molds sooner in (very) moist environments.
* Rub the inside of the pumpkin with disinfectant soap.
* You can rub the exterior of the pumpkin with vegetable oil, for preserving it and it makes the pumpkin shine!.
* It is best not to place a carved pumpkin in full sun, it can shrivel prematurely.
* After carving your pumpkin let it dry a bit and then spray the inside with hairspray. |

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